The Asaane Aban Beads Project is an innovative intervention by impoverished women living in the Moshie Zongo community in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, Ghana, West Africa. With a strong desire to send their female children to school and without the resources to do so, they were taught an environmental technology that preserves their local communities and provide income generation for them.
With the assistance of two NGOs from the Netherlands and Ghana, these women found that making beads from recyclable plastic containers (cosmetic cream containers, cassette cases, big pen cases and plastic rejects form refuse dumps) could be designed and used to be molded into decorative bracelets and necklaces. With the proceeds from their sales, they have now been able to send their girl children to school as well as provide other needs for their families.
Global Linkages, Inc. is a partner with this project by promoting the sales and marketing of these beads internationally.
For info on how you can participate in this project please contact us.